Learn how-to brew a Pourover Brew coffee with Quantum Coffee in Toronto
Pour Over coffee starts with freshly ground coffee, a filter, and dripper. This type of brew basically involves pouring water over and through grounds to extract coffee flavours into your cup or serving vessel.
Timing: 3 to 4 minutes
Jen S. favorited Pourover Brew 13 Jul 16:11
You Will Need
Step 1
Method: Begin by pouring a tiny bit of water in a circular motion over the filter. Rinsing the filter, not only cleans it but also warms the filter and vessel to prevent as much heat extraction as possible. Every step in brewing coffee causes heat loss, so we want to minimize it. Discard the water. Next, add the coffee to the filter and shake to flatten the grinds. Pour a very light stream of water in a circular motion starting from the centre and working your way to the outside. Be careful not to pour the water right up to the edge of the dripper, as this will cause the water to go down the edges of the file, making for a very light cup of coffee. A goose neck kettle provides the best results, but any kettle will work with the right amount of finesse. Pour enough water to wet the grounds, and then allow the coffee to bloom for 20-30 seconds. Blooming is the process where the grounds release the gases left over from roasting. This will ensure a smooth batch of coffee. You will see the grounds bubbling and expanding as it blooms. After it has bloomed, continue to pour the water over the coffee. Keep doing this until you use the required amount of water.
Step 2
Appearance and Taste: The pour over brew appears dark but very clear and almost thin looking. The taste is much like it looks, clean to the pallet, gentle but with a lot of flavour. It’s easy to identify the different notes.