For wearing during silly shenanigans of all sorts
If you're feeling the need to celebrate, slipping on a tutu full of pom poms should satisfy the urge. I dare you to spin in it.
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Melissa Beth favorited Pom Pom Tutu 10 May 18:12
You Will Need
Step 1
Cut a piece of tulle about three yards long, or three times the size of your waist. Fold it lengthwise once (or twice, for strength). Pin the length of tulle along the open side.
Step 2
Sew along the open side and take out the pins. Then, sew a parallel line next to the line you just sewed, leaving enough space to thread your elastic between the lines.
Step 3
Measure your waist with elastic, pulled as tight as you'd want your skirt to feel, and then cut that piece. Thread the piece of elastic through the tunnel you just made by sewing those two lines. This step can get tough, so consider using the safety pin method. Hook a safety pin on one end of the elastic, insert it into the tunnel, then pinch the elastic about an inch away from the end, push the safety pin through the tunnel as far as you can until it gets stuck, then pinch the safety pin, let go of the elastic, and flatten out the fabric that will have bunched up. Pin the elastic at both ends of the tunnel to keep it from getting dragged in.
Step 4
Pour pom poms into your skirt through one of the open sides.
Step 5
Lay both open ends of your skirt together and sew a line down to close them and finish your skirt. Make sure to sew over the elastic at the top of the line.