Cameras and backpacks. What could be better?
I love vintage cameras (if you want to call it vintage). I have also been dying to make a rucksack backpack for school next year. It took me about 3 days to make, but I didn't work on it continuously. I found an old backpack at the thrift store for $3.00 and cut the straps and handle on the top off. The fabric store was outrageous with their price for straps and I wanted thick, durable ones.
- lalymoon favorited Polaroid Camera Backpack 08 Jul 14:32
- melia.person favorited Polaroid Camera Backpack 08 May 01:49
- Micah Davis J. favorited Polaroid Camera Backpack 01 Jul 20:30
- bittersweet. favorited Polaroid Camera Backpack 23 Jun 21:42
- Poison Ivy entered her project Polaroid Camera Backpack to Jo Totes 31 May 19:26
- Poison Ivy entered her project Polaroid Camera Backpack to Lomography 31 May 19:26
Poison Ivy posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Poison Ivy
6 projects
Thank You! I did enter it in the Jo Tote contest and the one for the Diana camera.
Emma I.
You should post this on the two camera themed contests!