Based on Pocket Galaxies by Joybells
I'm just adding a new photo of another pocket galaxy. I tried a new technique on this one and it simply looks real! It's like seeing a tiny piece of the universe captured under a glass dome.
I used a large floral pebble and painted on the back in this order.
1) Paint a clear coat of nail polish on the back
2) Paint 1 coat of clear/glitter nail polish on the back
Using a tiny piece of a cosmetic sponge...dapple colors onto the floral pebble as follows:
3) Apply a faint film of navy blue nail polish around the rim.
4) Apply a faint film of a royal blue nail polish around the rim and come in slightly further
5) Apply a faint film of pink just inside the blue rims, but leave an opening in the center
6) Apply a faint film of yellow inside the pink, but still leave a slight opening in the center
7) Apply a faint film of white in the center
8) After all the color rims have been added, apply a faint film of purple over the entire back.
9) Once all the above colors have been applied, you can finish off the back by applying one or two coats of black nail polish and then add a final coat of clear polish.
Try spray painting the back with a faint layer of black enamel paint -- just enough to add some black depth to the overall image, but not enough to totally block light from passing through the floral pebble. (Use some painter tape around the edge of the floral pebble to create a clean line around the rim). After applying a faint layer of black, then finish it off with one or two coats of clear nail polish.
Important: Please allow enough time for each layer of color to dry before moving to the next step.
Please visit my project page and you can see more pocket galaxies. :-) You will probably need to cut and paste the link below into your browser.
Zach/Mel favorited Pocket Galaxies 08 Sep 05:28
Sarah B. favorited Pocket Galaxies 12 Oct 02:30
Verlaine R. favorited Pocket Galaxies 12 Oct 19:22
rheaghan favorited Pocket Galaxies 07 Aug 05:25
tiedyedowl favorited Pocket Galaxies 02 Jul 15:01
02jhseaby favorited Pocket Galaxies 18 Jun 21:19
Eszti favorited Pocket Galaxies 10 Jun 20:46
chang.shai favorited Pocket Galaxies 26 May 03:04
Molly March favorited Pocket Galaxies 21 Apr 19:13
BrokenSorrowLove favorited Pocket Galaxies 15 Apr 01:23
You Will Need
Joybells posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Really looks a hubble's photo.
Congratulations for your amazing work... and please, never stop creating beautiful things. <3