A cute easy skirt for someone with minimal sewing skills
Basically, I kept seeing these skirts everywhere and I wanted one but they were pretty expensive. So idecided to make my own. I got the fabric on sale; 4 dollars for 2 yards. The elastic was almost 2 dollars. The brown skirt at the top was the inspiration for my creation.
P.S. If you don't understand something, just let me know and maybe I can help you.:+*
Mistress Abby favorited Pleated Elastic Skirt 12 Sep 08:10
zjowies h. favorited Pleated Elastic Skirt 06 Apr 10:22
cristinakilljoyway favorited Pleated Elastic Skirt 05 Apr 13:59
Goodgollymissholly added Pleated Elastic Skirt to Birthdays and Christmas here I come! @ 30 Dec 16:01
gloria z. favorited Pleated Elastic Skirt 26 Nov 17:27
You Will Need
Step 2
Fold it in half so that it is how long you want the skirt to be.
Then sew.