Based on Playing Card Hairclip by Sarie
i made these with a Bicycle deck of Tragic Royalty Glow in the Dark cards (all of the J,K,Q glow)and it came out quite well.
i Began to use hot glue and realized it becomes too thick to work with. luckily i found some super glue in my craft supplies I quickly realized i need to invest in some latex gloves because my fingers were stuck together with super glue. Super glue worked well and it was dry fast.
:D i attached a hair clip and flared the edges a bit and it is a perfect ordainment for my hair.
Megzy H. favorited Playing Card Hairclip 28 Feb 02:29
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Morbid Devotchka posted this project as a creation without steps
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6 projects
This one is my fav version. . I used to have those cards wish I kept them.

Richmond, New Hampshire, US
4 projects
I like yours a lot, I think it looks really good because you left the corners and those cards are just plain cool!

Morbid Devotchka
San Clemente, California, US
7 projects
thank you i thought so as well, the cards were edgy to the usual cards we see plus fun because they glow in the dark. i actually used it in my hair this year for my queen of hearts costume, everyone loved it