How to get Paul&Joe round your gaff for under a tenner!
Cut your coat according to your cloth, as my mum likes to say. I still like to spoil myself now and again – on something sensible. I already own an obscene amount of clothes, most of them summer weight, dating back to my days as a fashion student when I spent 12 hours a day, for 9 months of the year in a studio resembling dante’s inferno, never to emerge until the summer months. I need a staple, stylish winter item in which I can really wrap up warm for the season – a wardrobe essential, if you will. Looking to Vogue for inspiration, I found this feminine, frippery-free flight of fancy, by Paul & Joe. It’s warm, it goes with everything and it will only set you back… (sigh) £285!
MidnightCircus favorited Play Your Cardies Right 23 Feb 02:52
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Step 8
Pin your lace to your cardigan. I find it helps to tack stitch them in place and to take the pins out before machine stitching them on, otherwise it’s almost impossible to stitch your pieces on neatly, especially if you’re working on a ribbed cardigan.
When your pieces are stitched on, slip stitch the bias binding together at the seams to get rid of any nasty white gaps.
…And that should leave you with a reason to be looking fabulous this winter, which should look something like this