sugar skull mold
Ive been dragging around this tub of plaster of paris for over 10 years, my first try at it was a huge flop!
so when my daughter brought home these awesome Day of the Dead molds from her Spanish class, I immediately got inspired.
mmotse03 favorited Plaster Of Paris Day Of The Dead Magnets 02 Jun 11:43
asia_kas123 favorited Plaster Of Paris Day Of The Dead Magnets 09 Aug 18:05
CO + K User
we don't have those nice molds on here-S i 'm looking since two years for them during the halloween time here, but we don't really celebreathe halloween here-S only a little more the decoration.
so i bought them to make my own molds.LOL
well done , love them, thanks for your tute and sharing:_D