Warm & Snuggly Crochet Blanket
This blanket is something that will take time to make, depending on how large you want it to be.
I wanted it pretty big so it took a while to crochet it.
It is just a basic Double crochet stitch continued around until the desired size is reached.
I tried to make it a little less boring by adding a stripy panel down the middle and adding the smaller lines around the last few rows.
It is really warm and well worth the time spent making it.
Super Madcow entered their project Pink & White Crochet Blanket to Secret Santa 24 Dec 07:43
Niki W. favorited Pink & White Crochet Blanket 10 Mar 00:53
Super Madcow published their project Pink & White Crochet Blanket 06 Mar 19:20
You Will Need
Super Madcow posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!