Any little princess would love a pink bracelet made with star buttons, a tiara button, and a castle button!
Pink J. favorited Pink Princess Button Bracelet 31 Oct 05:08
jen s. favorited Pink Princess Button Bracelet 06 Oct 12:30
You Will Need
Step 1
First you'll need to find your supplies, which include regular circle buttons and princess buttons(or any other theme if you'd like) and stretchy cord cut to the length you'd like.
Step 2
Decide what order you want your buttons in before starting, it will make it run smoother.
Step 3
To put on the first button, loop under the button in one hole and down through a diagonal hole.
Step 4
The next button, do the same thing. It might want to flip on you but this is okay, let it flip the opposite way of the previous button and it will sit neatly under the first.
Step 5
The third button make sure it faces up just like the first button. The order should go faces up, faces down, faces up. This allows for the most space for the buttons to fit on the cord.
Step 6
My princess buttons didn't have two holes, just a plastic loop in the back. If you have any buttons like this treat it the same as other buttons with the faces up, faces down, faces up pattern.
Step 7
When you have completed the entire cord, simply tie it together and cut off the excess cord. To add a little strength you can put a drop of glue on the knot.