Designed to Keep Cats Out of Blinds
How many of each thing you need will depend on the window you are putting it in. Mine were around 46 inches. I had a total of four made. So I ended up with two 2x4s cut down to 46 inches and a bunch of 5 gallon paint stirrers. I used 5 gallon cuz they are bigger, and my cats are big. If you wanted, you could use the smaller ones.
- deb.mathenia.7 added Picket Window Fence to Home Decor 08 Dec 19:04
- deb.mathenia.7 favorited Picket Window Fence 08 Dec 19:04
- Tanecia W. favorited Picket Window Fence 25 May 20:14
- deb.mathenia favorited Picket Window Fence 22 Feb 03:07
- marlene j. added Picket Window Fence to Alt det andet 12 Jan 22:33
You Will Need
Step 6
Paint! I made mine white, for the white picket fence effect. I might put grass on the bottom and a flower or butterfly or two on there also. Go wild! Have fun!
Lastly, pull up your blinds, slide into place, put the blinds back down, and enjoy! The weight will keep the animals from being able to pull the blinds out and slide behind!
I'm interested. My cat keeps playing with the binds in my room ,and has already broken off a small piece.