• Posted by SweetHoneyTurtle
How many of each thing you need will depend on the window you are putting it in. Mine were around 46 inches. I had a total of four made. So I ended up with two 2x4s cut down to 46 inches and a bunch of 5 gallon paint stirrers. I used 5 gallon cuz they are bigger, and my cats are big. If you wanted, you could use the smaller ones.
How many of each thing you need will depend on the window you are putting it in. Mine were around 46 inches. I had a total of four made. So I ended up with two 2x4s cut down to 46 inches and a bunch of 5 gallon paint stirrers. I used 5 gallon cuz they are bigger, and my cats are big. If you wanted, you could use the smaller ones.
Gather your materials. Duh, right?
Line up your paint stirrers so they are evenly spaced. I would also suggest making a mark where they go. I made mine with the stirrers flush on the edge and ABOUT 1.5 inches between slats. The paint sticks themselves are 1.5 inches wide.
Start nailing! I used one 10-penny nail each. They will swing side to side, which for now is ok. I recommend getting the nail solidly sunk into the stirrer before worrying about lining it up on the bottom. Careful hammering!
I had help! Now, once all your slats are nailed down straighten them out so they stand straight up.
From the back place another stirrer (or piece of wood) to help the sticks stay straight. Glue in place. Make sure you use something to weigh it down because not all the paint stirrers are straight. If you don't weigh it down, not all will stick, and you'll be upset!
Paint! I made mine white, for the white picket fence effect. I might put grass on the bottom and a flower or butterfly or two on there also. Go wild! Have fun! Lastly, pull up your blinds, slide into place, put the blinds back down, and enjoy! The weight will keep the animals from being able to pull the blinds out and slide behind!