I really liked this photo, so I made it an ornament that turned into a keychain
This is a fun way to make a gift for someone, be it christmas, valentine, what ever. My husband loved this ornament, when we took the tree down he kept it out and has it on a key chain now.
Monchhichi favorited Photo To Ornament 19 Feb 12:28
Jenni favorited Photo To Ornament 22 Nov 03:29
Glueingmyfingers2gether favorited Photo To Ornament 14 Nov 18:16
Camilla T. added Photo To Ornament to Shrinking plastic 14 Sep 09:24
Step 1
print out or take an existing photo you have that is not to detailed or hard to trace. Put shrink plastic over top of photo
Step 2
Trace and color the photo on to the shrink plastic
Step 3
once the photo has been traced and colored, punch hole in top of shrink plastic for ornament or jump ring. Put shrink plastic in to preheated oven (follow manu instructions for bake time and temperature)
Step 4
take out shrink plastic once it has shrunk and laid back down straight in oven. Once the plastic has cooled, coat with clear varnish on side that is colored on. I did 3 coats to give it a high shine. Once dry put ornament holder or jump ring thru the hole you punched.