Tastes like the real thing in a delicious cupcake!
This is a Vanilla cupcake with a Peanut Butter Butter Cream, some filled with a strawberry jam and some with grape jam! So good! Tastes just like the real thing :)
Jasinta M. added Peanut Butter And Jelly Cupcakes to Sweet Tooth 30 Mar 23:21
Cole B. entered her project Peanut Butter And Jelly Cupcakes to Pop Bakery 24 Aug 02:57
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Cole B. posted this project as a creation without steps
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Cole B.
Englewood, Colorado, US
11 projects
it's supposed to be flour

Cole B.
Englewood, Colorado, US
11 projects
There's no cocoa powder haha! not sure why that's on there!