Dark greens accentuating the eyes, peachy sun-kissed skin and the allure underneath....
a cute look using champagne and dark green colors for a fun fresh look inspired by wood elves :D
Courtney L. entered her project Peachy Wood Elf Look to Lime Crime 22 Jul 23:55
Step 1
FACE: use concealer under eyes and on blemishes then use liquid foundation (brush works best) to blend! (I used L'Oreal true match in c1). This gives the skin a dewy look. If you find that the liquid foundation came off too streaky or you prefer a more matte finish I suggest using a kabuki brush ( a type of round brush) and lightly buffing with some powder (Revlon Photo Ready is very nice).
Step 2
EYES: (the most fun part!)Take the shimmery champagne eye shadow and sweep all over lids bringing some into the tear-duct as well as to brow bone area(lightly). Take a smudge brush or a (tiny brush with thickly packed bristles)and take the darkest forest green and apply to top lash line in a medium sized line from middle of eye to a flick/catseye design outside of the eye. (feel free to get creative here :D)take that color under the eye lightly to about the same place in the middle of the eye. Now take a more medium olivey green on the same kind of brush and follow the line from middle of eye to the nose to complete the line. Smudge the two lines together to create a nice light-dark gradation. Reapply the champagne into the tear duct as that will be the lightest area. Add silver liner to inside of bottom lashline for a shimmery contrast. apply 2-3 coats of the emerald green mascara (I used almay intense i-color lengthening mascara)(for those that worry about brands I used walmart brand eyeshadows colorworkshop I believe, the champagne was covergirl in champagne, and the eyeliner milani in 20 silver)
Step 3
LIPS: For this step you can be pretty liberal with how you want to approach, it really all depends on skin tone and how you want to "finish" the look. Three types of colors that I would recommend are shimmery pale pink, LC Coquette, or LC Cosmopop. The pale pink looks nice on pale skin, coquette looks nice on almost everyone, and cosmopop can really make this look rock on more tan skin! So, onward to the actual steps! first make sure lips are exfoliated (toothbrush, wascloth) then put a thin layer of chapstick for moisture). Sweep color on top of lips! If the lipstick is matte and you would like shine, simply add some clear (or colored for the adventurous) on top! Voila! sexy lips! I used coquette this time. in pic (coquette, pink, cosmopop
Step 4
CHEEKS: (I prefer to do blush last to make it easier to judge the amount of intensity of color you need)If you used cosmopop, you could take a dab of that color and apply it to your cheeks as an alternative or follow the directions below. Apply a tiny amount of the orangy/peachy blush and apply to cheeks either with your fingertips or with a blush brush. Use the tone/vibrancy of your lipstick as a guide of how much to apply (I'm doing this in a heat wave so i apologize if my face looks very red!)