Make a festive bauble
Chudames favorited Peace On Earth Glass Ornament 21 Nov 07:12
You Will Need
Step 1
Remove silver cap from ornament and scoop up Snow-Tex 'snow' with a small paint brush and carefully insert the brush into the ornament without touching the sides. (Snow-Tex is hard to wipe clean - especially inside an ornament.) Keep adding Snow-Tex until you get desired amount of snow.
Step 2
Using the same brush, dip it in the white sparkles and dab the snow surface to create a 'snow glistening' effect.
Step 3
Cut the small wood base from the sisal tree. Using tweezers, carefully insert the tree and push down lightly into the snow to ensure the snow and tree stick together. The snow will remain sticky for about 20-30 minutes, and dries permanently hard in 2 hours)
Step 4
To make the banner, print 2 copies of a holiday message in size 6-7 font (smaller or bigger depending on the scale of ornament). With scissors, cut the banner into size, and use double-sided tape to adhere copies together - this way your message will appear on both sides of banner. Trim excess tape with scissors. Shape the banner with your fingers by curving out the middle and ends.
Step 5
Create an antique paper effect by dipping the banner in a small bowl of black tea. Dip multiple times until you achieve desired tint. Let dry completely. (Banner will harden slightly making it easier to work with.)
Step 6
Add a small dollop of Krazy Glue to the tip of the tree. Using tweezers, carefully insert banner and stick to top of tree. Do not remove contact of banner to glue for about 60 seconds. This is the tricky part, because you have to maintain a steady hand in order for the glue to bond.
Step 7
Put the silver cap back on the ornament and voila! You've just created a whimsical little masterpiece.