a fantastic vest
I really wanna sell this but I haven't put it on etsy yet but I was very proud of this vest cause I somehow figured out how to make that spiral it was hard but I got it and by the way I did not make the mountain or moose I don't wanna take credit for that I ain't that awesome
carlyanne favorited Patchwork Vest 02 Mar 10:04
Faith N. favorited Patchwork Vest 03 Feb 02:23
velma s. favorited Patchwork Vest 20 Aug 10:32
Belle favorited Patchwork Vest 26 Jul 07:38
PollyB. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

7 projects

Britta J.
Derby, England, GB
67 projects
very cool