Customised shop bought adornment of the head
A few months ago I was bought a teeny tiny top hat/ fascinator. I'm not entirely sure why, come to think of it. It was a cheap, bright red, with a rhinestoned ribbon corsage, not really my thing. I stripped the whole thing down and gave it the patchwork treatment with additional lace ribbon trim and feathery frivolity!
Like any good hat, it got passed around a lot..
Everything is literally PVA glued together. It fastens with two super-glued hair grips.
Key West Witch added Patchwork Top Hat Fascinator to Top Hats, Witch Hats, Hats & Fascinater’s 30 Jun 14:00
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Kat Grim posted this project as a creation without steps
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Laura I.
Trees, Louisiana, US
3 projects
Love it! <3