I wear my theme song on my back
"Die ganze Welt dreht sich um mich
Denn ich bin nur ein Egoist
Der Mensch, der mir am nächsten ist
Bin ich, ich bin ein Egoist!"
"Egoist" is a song from Falco and I love it to death.
Everytime I hear it my back straightens up and I feel a few centimeters taler and definetely MUCH more important :3
Käpt´n Toasterkopf entered their project Patch With Lyrics to The Submarines 19 Mar 16:54
Käpt´n Toasterkopf posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
13 projects
I like I like. I use to do that with all my school binders. Put my favorite song lyrics in it and all, that is.

Las Vegas, Nevada, US
32 projects

Knittin' Kitten
Liverpool, England, GB
32 projects
That looks awesome! Is that for the DIYScene competition?