ok first you need a book. I chose Illusions cause i've had it forever and never got around to reading it and i know i wont
Step 2
ok you need to rip the pages out that you will be using
Step 3
i chose to fold it in fours (sorry if you cant really make out the pic i used the flash)
Step 4
i line the folded pages up and put a piece of tape at the bottom of each page so it easier it weave the paper through it
Step 5
then i start weaving the pages together
Step 6
there will be extra pieces of paper that aren't covered when you are done weaving the pages just cut off the extra pieces
Step 7
cover the whole side with tape.
Step 8
turn it over and tape the back too.
Step 9
cut the extra tape off. then i cut four more pieces of tape and put it on the edge of one side and tape it to the back so it covers the edges.
Step 10
repeat those steps until you have all five sides of the purse don't forget to make two of the sides and the bottom smaller then the other two sides.
when you are done with that line the seames up like this.
Step 11
tape the seames together
Step 12
then use clear tape on the seams on the other side
then fold up and start taping it together. if one or two sides are taller the the other wait until you are don't taping then cut it till they are even.
Step 13
when done with that i decided to make the handle out of the pages too i just took two pages and folded them and taped them together. and i taped it to the inside and outside of the purse
Step 14
the end result
im sorry if i didn't do a good job at the tutorial this was my first one
I'm totally making this whenever I get around to getting some more packing tape