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5 mins

Make a low-to-no cost lawn decoration using an small paper bag.
I saw this project over at one of my favorite blogs, Dollar Store Crafts, and knew this would be perfect for the decorating the outside of our house.

Probaby goes without saying that you wouldn't want to use a lunch sack that had any sort of anything that leaked, dripped or permeated the bag as it would attract bugs and varmits, but I have teen in my house that unless you indicate things explictly, he tries to get me on the technicality "but you never said that!" so I will just go ahead and say it.

There is a detailed photo tutorial at the following:

Posted by KMOM14 from Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States • Published See KMOM14's 372 projects »
  • Step 1

    I varied mine slighly as I did not use any rubber bands as I wanted mine more poofy and offbeat for what is going to turn into the fairy garden under the eaves outside of my garage, but rubber bands would likely produce a more true-to-life looking one.

  • How to make a recycled model. Paper Bag Mushroom - Step 2
    Step 2

    I also cut the bottom 2 inches off of the bag as I wanted it shorter and used a wooden skewer that is used for holding carmel apples.



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