These little cheese rolls are officially called pao de queijo..
These little cheese rolls are officially called pao de queijo, but I first discovered them in a small shop in the city, where they were known as paolitos, so that’s what I call ‘em. These little things are amazing–really tasty and filling and of course, entirely gluten free, without any fussing with recipes or ten kinds of flour or xanthan gum (I hate xanthan gum.) And they’re versatile: the same basic dough can be used for little snack sized bites, giant rolls to be cut open for sandwiches, it would even be excellent as a pizza dough.
Sveta favorited Paolitos 27 Jan 10:29
SugarNSpiceLily added Paolitos to Gluten Free 10 Feb 00:56
Melissa Beth added Paolitos to Foodening 14 Nov 10:51
Melissa Beth favorited Paolitos 06 Nov 19:54
Maggs added Paolitos to Gluten Free but not Taste Free 29 Feb 21:13
Haliej added Paolitos to Cooking to Try 31 Jul 15:32
Agnes S. added Paolitos to Edibles 14 Jun 16:37
amanda.shillito added Paolitos to Cook! 23 Dec 17:52
amanda.shillito favorited Paolitos 23 Dec 17:51
Kaiulani W. favorited Paolitos 10 Jul 01:37
Step 1
Pao de Queijo
Heat milk, butter and salt over medium heat, until it begins to boil. Remove from heat and quickly stir in the tapioca flour. Allow to cool completely. Lightly grease two baking sheets.
Step 2
Once cool, turn oven on to 400F. Transfer dough to a bowl and knead in eggs a little bit at a time until dough is free of lumps. Add cheese and knead again until smooth. Knead tablespoon sized clumps of dough into spheres and place them on the baking sheets, well spaced apart. Cook for about 15 minutes, until tops are lightly browned. The insides may still seem a little doughy or gooey while warm.
CO + K User
and they're so delicious..