Create a Pacman garland
I vividly remember playing pacman when I was younger and I used to get the heebie-jeebies just before one of those little ghosts gobbled me up. Anyhow…I still think they are a bit spooky (in a friendly kind of way) so thought they would make an excellent Halloween garland.
The shapes are pretty simple, so very easy to chop out. I’ve been making mine, feet up, in front of the telly. Can’t beat a bit of multitasking…haha!
I’ve left my feet in this picture to give you an idea of how big the cut-outs are. If anyone wants a full tutorial then leave a comment. Full instructions after the jump!
Trixzie favorited Pacman Halloween Garland 16 Oct 04:10
amyistheparty added Pacman Halloween Garland to retro party 26 Apr 22:18
Tierra T. favorited Pacman Halloween Garland 14 Nov 21:37
Morgan E. favorited Pacman Halloween Garland 15 Dec 14:05
Jessica A. favorited Pacman Halloween Garland 15 Mar 21:43
presentperfection added Pacman Halloween Garland to GARLANDS 28 Jan 12:29
cristinakilljoyway favorited Pacman Halloween Garland 03 Jan 15:20
Jessica B. favorited Pacman Halloween Garland 17 Dec 17:02
ballerina.bella added Pacman Halloween Garland to new list 01 Dec 18:43
ballerina.bella favorited Pacman Halloween Garland 01 Dec 18:43
Step 1
Download the template! Print onto white paper and cut out. This is now your ‘master template’.
Step 2
ay your master template onto some black card and draw around it using a pencil.
Step 3
Chop out (whilst watching guilt-free crappy telly).
Step 4
For the eyes: I chopped up some scrap plastic but you can use clear acetate (I hang on to loads of stuff that would normally go in the recycling bin). Stick a strip onto the back of each ghost with a bit of tape. I then colored some circular stickers black and stuck them on top of the scrap plastic – you can easily chop out a circle of paper if you don’t have stickers.
If you want your garland to be seen from both sides simply chop another ghost out and stick on top with some double-sided tape. This will hide all the sticky tape!