Simple cute owl purse :D Hoot Hoot!
I make these cute bags at a workshop I organise for children of the age of 7 to 12. It's easy for them because we pre-cut and pre-make a lot of the purse, kids love making these (:
- Owl_Pattern_Yvonne_da_Silva_2012.pdf 157 KB [ Download ]
- Miss_Fit favorited Owl Purse 08 Jul 22:39
- artpanda18 favorited Owl Purse 12 May 03:38
- vicky.mcnair.1 favorited Owl Purse 19 Dec 16:29
- Kriszta I. favorited Owl Purse 05 Feb 10:34
- XxOliverAngelxX added Owl Purse to To-make list 03 Jan 04:41
- donnahooten added Owl Purse to Owl projects 01 Sep 09:12
- donnahooten favorited Owl Purse 01 Sep 09:12
- ajenne w. added Owl Purse to owls 16 Jul 03:10
- ajenne w. favorited Owl Purse 16 Jul 02:01
- donna.wiffler added Owl Purse to Future projects 13 Jun 18:40
Step 1
Print the PDF file.
Cut out your pattern pieces and lay them on felt.Cut body (front/back) and wings twice.
Take the feather piece and cut 20 pieces out of different scraps of fabric.
Mark where you want your wings, beginning at bottom of bird glue a row of 5 feathers, glue 5 feathers on top of that untill you reach 4 rows of 5 feathers each.
Take a piece of ribbon and glue on top of edge of top layer of feathers to hide the fabric edge.
Glue both left and right wing on top.
Glue on eyes (two circles out of white felt measuring 4 cm in diameter). Glue on inner circles (each about 2.5cm in diameter)
Step 2
with crochet hook no. 2.5chain 4.
(Work all in first chain)
Work 3 treble crochets in first, work 3 double crochets, chain 1, 1 treble crochet, chain 1, 3 double crochet, 3 treble crochet, chain 3 slip stitch in first chain. Tie a knot.Glue on beak.
Step 3
Put front and back of body together and stitch them together.
Knit an Icord (approx 40cm long) using 5 stitches.Sew it to the sides of the purse.