Delicious cupcakes make with oreos!!!
I made these cupcakes for the zombie cupcake contest, but I'm not sure I'm uploading them in time! But I've been wanting to make cupcakes for a while so the contest was a great excuse. These cupcakes are DELICIOUS and easy to make!
You can use mint Oreos, or a different type of chocolate, or a different cake mix... It's all up to you!!
Phoenix M. favorited Oreo Chocolate Cupcakes! 28 Sep 20:57
![TK Rainy](https://images.coplusk.net/users/10259/avatar/normal_square_0811080856_1225948847.jpg)
TK Rainy
Kennewick, Washington, US
19 projects
I would suggest eating it over a sink or garbage though.. Very messy, but very worth it!
Fort Worth, Texas, US
1 project
MMM... looks delicious!