Don' throw away old earrings fix them!!
I bought some bamboo earrings off ebay, and after a while the golden color faded away and they looked awful, I didn't want to throw them away because I really like them, so I decided to paint them with nail polish, I loved how they came out, and the best part is that you can macht your nails and your earrings!!
GiftedDiva24 added Old Earrings And Nail Polish to Diy Jewelry 28 Mar 16:29
GiftedDiva24 favorited Old Earrings And Nail Polish 28 Mar 16:29
Zuri favorited Old Earrings And Nail Polish 18 Oct 01:09
DAllas F. favorited Old Earrings And Nail Polish 16 Nov 23:01
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Sacramento, California, US
12 projects
Thank you, this is a great idea!! I have a pair of pink hoops that the paint is chipping off of. I can't wait to give them a restoration.

5 projects
Super cute I like the baby blue ones, gonna try this now, have tons of bamboo earrings.

13 projects
I don't have silver nail polish.... only golden

I think I liked them silver more..

13 projects

Fort Hood, Texas, US
136 projects
that is really neat!