Detachable fur shoulders for your cloak!
I made a cloak for the Renaissance Faire and wanted to give it fur shoulders! The fur is detachable so you don't have to make a separate cloak B) You can even attach it to different cloak!
I got 3/4 yds of fur fabric, which was more then enough (Room for mistakes.) A 1/2 yd would be enough if you don't want to spend much. Stay away from 'fun' fur which is incredibly cheap and cheap looking! (Of course you can use it if you want too.)
Key West Witch favorited No Sew Fur 'Pelt' For Your Cloak! 28 Jun 20:34
You Will Need
Step 1
Figure out which way your nap is going! Nap is the direction fur grows in.
You want your nap to be 'growing' towards the ground.
Step 5
Unpin the fur and lay it upside down on a flat surface.
Step 6
Cutting faux fur is tricky business. You want to avoid making the fur look 'shaved.' So you can't just cut on the lines you made. If you cut the backing the fur is on we can avoid the "shaved" look.
I suggest trying this on a scrap piece first!!
Start by slipping the scissors under the backing. The scissors don't need to be open all the way. Angle the scissors in the OPPOSITE direction of your nap. You're then going to hold the fabric with your free hand and glide in the direction you want to go. If your scissors jam, you're not doing it right.
If this doesn't make sense I definitely suggest looking up a video or another description and keep practicing on scraps until you get it.