Delicious no-knead bread for those without specialty equipment.
I appreciate that it’s supposedly “Autumn” but it’s still yet to reach anything under about eighty degrees all year long. What autumn does mean for me is lots of homemade bread, because cooking anything at over about 400 degrees in summer is terrible so you have to wait for cooler weather. You might remember me talking about going to Co Pane when I was in New York last month and how it’s the home of the no-knead bread technique. My friend Dan actually sent me a recipe for some no-knead bread, I’m pretty sure he adapted it from another recipe, so I thought that I would give it a go. I figured if it’s even half as delicious as the kind that he makes at home then I’d be good.
Kimya J. favorited No Knead Bread 06 Jun 02:29
jeannieboo83 favorited No Knead Bread 06 Nov 23:16
ale_corason favorited No Knead Bread 12 Oct 03:32
TheYearlingBlog published her project No Knead Bread 06 Oct 21:43
Step 3
The thing about no-knead dough is that because you’re not working it as much, you have to let it sit for a very long time. 12 to 24 hours is best. You can do less than that but that might be pushing it. I put mine on first thing in the morning then left all day while I was at work so it would be ready by dinner time. Once it’s risen, take it out of the bowl and place it on a well floured surface, press it out until you get about a ten inch square and fold it over itself in thirds. Leave it to rise for another 2 hours, seam side up.
Step 4
Preheat your oven, with your baking dish inside, to 500 F. Then place your bread inside your now very hot dish, seam side up, and put a lid on it and bake for 30 minutes. Then after 30 minutes take your lid off and lower the temp to 375 F and bake for another 15-20 minutes. I like cast iron for this but you can use an enamel dutch oven if you prefer.
For more info: https://theyearlingblog.wordpress.com/2015/09/30/day-273-no-knead-bread/