don't you just hate to turn on the oven? these cookies are for you ;)
Found this recipe online! Its super easy and very delicious. The pictures aren't mine, just found on the internet.
SirenSays6 added No Bake Crunchy Cereal Cookie to Food 23 Jun 12:13
cristinakilljoyway favorited No Bake Crunchy Cereal Cookie 01 Jan 00:59
Romana S. favorited No Bake Crunchy Cereal Cookie 03 Aug 09:21
Step 1
First, get out your ingredients:
1 cup of white sugar
1 cup of white corn syrup
1 cup of peanut butter
6 cups of a crunchy rice cereal (I prefer Corn Flakes. -
Step 3
When they come to a boil, add the cup of peanut butter and make sure it is mixed in.
Step 4
Turn the temperature on the stove off, and pour in the 6 cups of your preferred crunchy cereal.