super easy fingerless mittens
Winter is coming!!!
Lets knit some fingerless mittens. These are knit flat, there is no left and right to these so they are even easier to make, and if you are anything like me, to wear. I'm easily confused. :) They are also knit from finger(less) bits to wrist.
Chris K. favorited Nice And Easy Fingerless Mittens 19 Oct 13:45
Buttons and Pickles published her project Nice And Easy Fingerless Mittens 16 Oct 06:00
You Will Need
Step 1
Cast on 32 stitches
K2, P2 to end
Step 2
K2, P2 to end
Step 3
P2, K2 to end
Step 4
P2, K2 to end
Step 5
K2, p2 to end
Step 6
K2, P2 to end
Step 7
Rows 7- 11: Knit on row, Purl one row alternatley
Step 8
Row 12: Purl to end, Place stitch marker at beginning and end of row
Step 9
Row 13 - 21: Knit one row, Purl one row alternately
Step 10
Row 22: Purl to end, Place stitch marker at beginning and end of row
Step 11
Row 23: Knit to end
Step 12
Row 24: Purl to end
Step 13
Row 25: K14, K2tog, K2tog, K14
Step 14
Rows 26-36, Purl one row, Knit one row alternately
Step 15
If you want to make your mittens come further down your arms, just keep repeating rows of stocking stitch after row 36 until you have the desired length.
Step 16
Cast / Bind off leaving a fairly long tail.
Step 17
Using the tail thread the darning needle and mattress stitch the two sides together until you reach the first set of stitch markers, fasten and weave in end. With a fresh piece of yarn restart your mattress stitch at the second set of stitch markers and continue until you reach the top. Fasten off and weave in ends.
Make sure not to stitch between the stitch markers or you won't have anywhere for your thumbs to poke out of.
Step 18
Make another.
Step 19
Kapow! You have a lovely pair of fingerless mittens. Hooray!