Shoes inspired by the Studio Ghibli game Ni No Kuni - Wrath of the White Witch
I had an idea for shoes bleached to look like old paper and then decorated to look like scattered book pages. I decided to based mine on the Magic Book from Ni No Kuni but you could do many cool variations.
I've only estimated the time taken to decorate, not the time taken to bleach the shoes (that took forever!)
js-m crafts added Ni No Kuni Inspired Shoes to Anime themed party list 28 Jun 20:47
redwolf54 favorited Ni No Kuni Inspired Shoes 30 Dec 13:53
SilverSnake S. favorited Ni No Kuni Inspired Shoes 23 Dec 17:56
Vicky Ninja favorited Ni No Kuni Inspired Shoes 23 Dec 16:48
susie entered her project Ni No Kuni Inspired Shoes to Secret Santa 09 Dec 08:41
AbsintheFairy commented on Ni No Kuni Inspired Shoes 07 Dec 14:47
AbsintheFairy favorited Ni No Kuni Inspired Shoes 07 Dec 14:47
susie published her project Ni No Kuni Inspired Shoes 06 Dec 11:45
You Will Need
Step 2
Once bleached, sketch on your book pages in pencil and then go over with Sharpie marker. At this point you could choose to do a different book, just remember you need clear pages as you won't be able to read anything on them. I though River Song's diary maybe but I'm not that big of a Whovian. Old comic pages would look great but you'd need to be confident in your artistic abilities.