Nectarine And Lemongrass Chutney
Extract from Jams and Preserves • By Anneka Manning • Published by Thunder Bay PressAbout
Jams & Preserves
It is best to wear gloves when handling chilies to protect your fingers from the heat of the seeds and flesh.
Jams and Preserves by Anneka Manning. Published by Thunder Bay Press.
Emma H. favorited Nectarine And Lemongrass Chutney 27 May 13:20
Claire M. favorited Nectarine And Lemongrass Chutney 27 Dec 18:22
gloomy-smiles favorited Nectarine And Lemongrass Chutney 13 Dec 05:31
CountessAudronasha added Nectarine And Lemongrass Chutney to Food 11 Nov 08:36
Jessica A. favorited Nectarine And Lemongrass Chutney 07 Nov 22:25
TinyTessieG favorited Nectarine And Lemongrass Chutney 06 Nov 13:15
ale_corason favorited Nectarine And Lemongrass Chutney 03 Nov 20:43
You Will Need
Step 1
Cut the chilies in half, then remove the seeds from two and finely slice all the chilies. Bruise the lemongrass with the back of a knife and slice finely.
Step 2
Place all the ingredients in a large pan and add 1 teaspoon salt. Stir over low heat for 5 minutes, or until all the sugar has dissolved.
Step 3
Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 45–50 minutes, or until the chutney is thick and pulpy. Stir often to prevent the chutney from sticking or burning on the bottom.
Step 4
Spoon immediately into clean, warm jars and seal. Turn the jars upside down for 2 minutes, then invert and let cool. Label and date. Leave for 1 month before opening to allow the flavors to develop. Store in a cool, dark place for up to 12 months. Refrigerate after opening for up to 6 weeks.