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Bring bows N hearts N arrows to your nails :)
This nail art would make your nails look amazing :* Trust me, I got alot of compliments. Try it N you will see for sure :) :) An amazing way to make your nails look fantabulous :) :)

Posted by Sonia M. from Kathmandu, Central Region, Nepal • Published See Sonia M.'s 7 projects »
  • Step 1

    Paint your nails white. It would act as a base coat. Apply a second coat, if required.

  • Step 2

    Start with the thumb. Make little polka dots by using any thin n rounded tool (I used a ball point pen's refill). Use a red And Blue nailpolish for this. Or you can use any color of your choice.

  • Step 3

    For your index finger, make a bow using red and below that make a little heart in a diagonal fashion. Decorate the bow with little polka dots. Use any color of your choice for this.

  • Step 4

    Move on to your middle finger and paint half of your nail red (horizontally). This even represents Indonesia's flag. :) :)

  • Step 5

    For your ring finger.
    Since it's a ring finger n it represents love N everythin, paint a cute red heart in the middle of the nail :) It looks fabulous when its done.

  • Step 6

    And finally for the pinky finger, make three little arrows pointing at different directions :)

    Finish it off with a top coat nail polish :)

    Let me know what you think :)

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Sonia M.
Sonia M. · Kathmandu, Central Region, NP · 8 projects
wish i had made those spades n diamonds too Happy Thanks Happy
Amberlynn Reid
Amberlynn Reid · Kathmandu, Central Region, NP · 67 projects
Where's the fave button?!
Sonia M.
Sonia M. · Kathmandu, Central Region, NP · 8 projects
sumwhere on the top Tongue
Amberlynn Reid
Amberlynn Reid · Kathmandu, Central Region, NP · 67 projects
Reminds me of the card patterns....cute!

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