A tangier alternative to queso dip
This is from a site I follow, One Particular Kitchen.
It is tangier because cream cheese is used instead of cheddar. It also great if you have onion haters in the crowd as the corn gives it a bit of crunch without the aftertaste of onion.
The original recipe calls for name brands such as Rotel tomatoes and Green Giant corn, but I used store brand fire roasted tomatoes and white/yellow corn and it came out great.
Other plus is quick clean up because you mix everything in the baking dish and it is fairly cheap - I spent around $3, which was much less than any similar commercial dips available
Kimya J. favorited Myrtle Dip 03 Feb 03:27
Melissa Beth added Myrtle Dip to Foodening 14 Nov 11:05
cristinakilljoyway favorited Myrtle Dip 15 Jan 15:28

Fort Wayne, Indiana, US
378 projects
I like the idea of adding green chiles - will have to try that. Thanks Stevie G!

23 projects
Yummy! I added some green chiles to make it kind of like Mexican corn salad. Sooooooo gooooood!

Melissa Beth
McLean, Virginia, US
90 projects
That sounds really tasty. I will have to try this out.