very easy to make, but very funny
I love the result you should really try this at home!
Denise M. favorited My New Pouch 30 May 21:36
You Will Need

Ajax, Ontario, CA
50 projects
woah the pics surprised me. that is insanely smart, like origami meets fabric and this is their child.It shall be called "The Pouch!" awesome project!

Jaén, Andalusia, ES
Sooo cute, I definitely need to try this one out
thanks for sharing!

emmilou w.
Wallasey, England, GB
12 projects
what a totally awesome project, thanks for sharing... ^_^

Paris, Île-de-France, FR
11 projects
wat leuk!
i'm definitely making one of these

Jet H.
Haarlem, North Holland, NL
108 projects
awesome, like this, (vertaling (LOL echt gaaf vet!!!!, ga dit uit proberen. tof joh! he veel XO's)

Suzi P.
12 projects
kan je er een how-to van maken?