can also be used as a child-scarer, cos supposedly she's Creepy!!
It seemed only right that the first project i made after signing up, should be the first i uploaded, so here she is...
(Even if THE KID says she's creepy, I love her)
Her name is Pink Pog and she is mostly crafted from upcycled materials, the fabric came from a skirt my Teen had outgrown (you'll see that fabric popping up in a few projests ;D ), ribbon was those hanging loops you cut out of the shoulders of tops (especially handy when you are scrapping photos featuring said-item-of-clothing cos you've instantly got a matching embellishment!) and the buttons were salvaged from other items too.
On the subject of buttons - the pink miniskirt had 4 great big pink buttons on the front waistband - look out for a fabric flower incorporating 1 with the salvaged fabric!!
I haven't included a How-To as there are already some on here and elsewhere on the net.
bindiibabe posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!