My first attempt at ATC's.
Recently I've discovered ATC's and I really like making them so far. And I'm very happy with how they've turned out. ^_^
I used coffee to "age" the drawings, and sealed them with Mod Podge, and sealed the final product with wax.
Sorry for the bad quality photos, as soon as I get my scanner back I'll post better ones. =]
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited My First Atc's! 25 Jul 04:49
You Will Need
Autumn Asylum posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Port Dover, Ontario, CA
2 projects
I really love these, especially the way you aged them with coffee. Marvelous

Pompano Beach, Florida, US
17 projects
very nice, keep it up. check out some of my atc's i love making them.