A culmination of six months of beading
This is almost all of my jewelry. I have some peices missing, like my dough bead bracelets. i cannot get rid of the 3 beads but yeah you just need beads and a lot of them.
Romana S. favorited My Entire Homemade Jewelry Collection 22 Jun 06:20
You Will Need
I May Be Rude But I'm The Truth posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

I May Be Rude But I'm The Truth
Torrington, Connecticut, US
23 projects
aha but some of them are secrets not even you have seen them yet!

KaTiE <3 :D
8 projects
hey some of these look oddly familiar...hmmm i wonder why...?? jk these are really cool! Im gonna have to put up more pics of mine!