Monster Hoodie Version
You will need to find a hoodie, and some felt. I found it helpful to stuff some spare fabric into the hoodie in order to get a good idea of where the eyes should go. Then I used pins to secure the red eyed project, and Elmer's spray glue to fasten the green one--one of the other is sort of necessary, to make sure the eyes don't move and make the monster look lopsided.
Kids loved it!
- Anaïs M. added Monster Hoodie Version to Projects 13 Jun 13:33
- Kaiulani W. favorited Monster Hoodie Version 15 Jan 02:06
You Will Need
You will need the color white the most, followed by black for the white of the eye and the pupil, respectively. Then choose an eye color
Really, any basic color will work--dark thread for dark felt, light thread for light felt, just mind your stitches are small
to sew the felt to the Hoodie
to secure the eyes while sewing
D B. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!