A quick and easy refreshment to make for your little monsters
Scrumptous stawberry drink that is sugar free with a bit of slushie brain freeze - it is the monster blood biting you back!
Markee R. added Monster Blood Slushie to Club Kid Party Monster 16 Jul 09:20
Laura Gloomy.Panda added Monster Blood Slushie to Halloween ideas 30 Aug 22:46
Laura Gloomy.Panda favorited Monster Blood Slushie 30 Aug 22:45
Millie G. added Monster Blood Slushie to Halloween 02 Oct 17:02
Step 1
The key to this is to start out with a chunk of ice instead of ice cubes so the end result in more coarse that a regular slushie.
This is an old cheese containter, but a small margarine tub would do also.
Pour in water and freeze until it is hard.
I'm making this for my boyfriend right away.
I think I'll add some frozen bananas to it, though, too
perfect to make for elementary boys.