Easy cleanup, fun craft for kids parties!
I did these for my 5 yearold's Hallowe'en party. People thought I was nuts doing crafts with 6 kindergarten girls, but there was little to no cleanup, and they all got to bring something home! :)
Sorry I don't have many pictures of prep but... don't really need 'em.
I did include pics of my 5 yearld holding the one I made (that she added to), my 3 yearold holding the one she made at the party, and me holding the one my 5 yearold made. lol.
Hannah favorited "Monster Bits" Paper Hand Puppet (For Kids!) 25 Jun 20:44
Step 1
First, take your scissors, the construction paper, and the baking tin...
Cut out lots of random "monster bits" with the construction paper. Make circles for eyes, teardrops, noses, mouths, tongues, ears, hair, moustaches, hands, feet, arms, legs.... and lots of random shapes. Remember everything might have an alternate purpose. Some of the kids at my daughter's party used noses for hands, pointy vampire teeth for crowns and beards, etc. lol.
Put all the "Monster Bits" in the baking tin and spread them out a bit.
(Sorry in the pic it's just leftover bits, my daughter's puppet and the glue sticks. I originally had that whole baking dish filled with monster bits!)
Step 2
Give each child a paper bag, and a glue stick. Glue sticks don't make too much mess, unlike white glue.
Sit the kids in a circle, put the dish in the middle, the crayons in the middle, and let 'em at it! :)
Each kid will go home with a unique little hand puppet "Monster"!
They loved it, and believe it or not, 6 little girls stayed quiet for about 20 min! lol.