Tasty Icelandic Christmas Cookies
Icelandic people take the Christmas season very seriously, especially the baking.
Baking the Christmas cookies usually begins, mid to late November. I know people who bake nine different types, but there are as many as thirteen that one can bake.
A common question posed this time of year is, "Have you got your christmas baking done?" This is my first year baking these cookies, but they are one of my favourites, I usually buy them from a local bakery and they are great, but baking yourself, if you can, is always nicer.
Mömmukökur is an almost soft cookie, with a sweet buttercream in the middle. The cookie reminds me of the Kimberley biscuit, which is an Irish staple.
Mömmukökur, translates literally to moms cakes. Perfect with a cup of coffee, or a glass of cold milk.
Len favorited Mömmukökur 19 Apr 23:45