When You Just Feel Too Guilty To Eat A Whole Slice!
Hi all,
Here's something I would like to share with all of you that have a sweet tooth and who just love Oreo's!
I stumbled upon this yummy recipe find while looking for a treat to make for a friend's Birthday, and adapted it slightly to suit my baking measurements. I originally wanted to make little tarts, but couldn't find the right size tart trays.
Here is the orginal recipe:
Megan S. favorited Mini Oreo Cheesecake Bites 04 Dec 04:03
DocDoolittle favorited Mini Oreo Cheesecake Bites 21 Nov 04:03
PurpleFairy favorited Mini Oreo Cheesecake Bites 17 Nov 19:13
Rikki L. favorited Mini Oreo Cheesecake Bites 07 Oct 12:40
this one laydi favorited Mini Oreo Cheesecake Bites 30 Sep 23:49
CazSteele commented on her project Mini Oreo Cheesecake Bites 27 Sep 13:36
Laura Gloomy.Panda favorited Mini Oreo Cheesecake Bites 24 Sep 17:34
Step 1
• Line a 335 x 230 x 45mm baking tray with foil or wax paper
• Make sure it flaps over the sides as handles to easily lift the cheesecake out later on
• Finely crush 24 Oreo’s
(Tip: Put the cookies in Ziploc bag and crush them with a rolling pin)• Melt ¼ Cup of butter
• Mix butter with the Oreo crumbs.
• Evenly press crumb mixture onto bottom of lined baking tray
Step 2
• Mix together the sugar and cream cheese with an electric beater until well blended
• Add the sour cream and Vanilla, mix well
• Add the eggs - Add each one individually, beating after each egg just until blended
• Chop up the remaining 12 Oreos into sizable chunks - Stir gently into mixture
• Pour mixture over the prepared crust
Step 3
• Bake for 40-45 min, heat at 160 ºC (Your oven temperature might vary, just keep an eye on it for the last 10 min or so, or until the middle is almost set)
• After baking, place in fridge for 2 hours to cool down
• Meanwhile, melt chocolate in microwave, approximately 1 min until melted(Make sure to use a microwave bowl, and follow the directions of the chocolate brand) and stir chocolate until its smooth
Step 4
• Once the cheesecake has been in the fridge for the require time, use the foil/wax paper handles to lift cheesecake from pan
• Cut into bite- size cubes and place on baking tray lined with wax paper. (TIP: When cutting the cheesecake, wipe off your knife between cuts with a damp cloth. This stops the cheesecake from building up on the blade, ensuring a neat cut that leaves square edges intact)
• Drizzle the melted chocolate over the cheesecake bites using a spoon
• Place a toothpick in the center of each mini bite
• Finally, place your Yummy Mini Cheesecake Bites into fridge until chocolate has hardened
(Tip: I find that also leaving it over night in the fridge just makes the flavour absorb all the nicer!) -
Step 5
Ingredients(these keep on disappearing on the template, so I thought to add them here as well):
36 Oreos (2 Boxes)
1 Tsp Vanilla or Coffee Essence
1/4 Cup Baking Marge/Butter
1 Cup Sugar
230g Plain Cream Cheese(Brand of your choice)
250g Sour Cream(Low Fat - Brand of your choice)
4 Eggs
250 g Chocolate( White/Dark/Milk of your choice)
36 Tooth Picks ( or the amount of mini squares you have divided it into)
36 Oreos (2 Boxes)
1 Tsp Vanilla or Coffee Essence
1/4 Cup Baking Marge/Butter
1 Cup Sugar
230g Plain Cream Cheese(Brand of your choice)
250g Sour Cream(Low Fat - Brand of your choice)
4 Eggs
250 g Chocolate( White/Dark/Milk of your choice)
36 Tooth Picks ( or the amount of mini squares you have divided it into)