Mini Hat
I saw a makeup artist on youtube put down mini hat tutorial so her work inspired me to make this hat. I used better metarials, hope you guys like it. Let me know if you want me make tutorial.
Thank you :)
You Will Need
Ebaa72 posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Sheila Squirrel
Love the colours and the use of cyber hair falls

Nina H.
La Cañada Flintridge, California, US
I would love a tutorial of this

1 project
Thank you guys. I used hard wool pad for the pattern, suede for cover the whole hat and of course satin for the flower and ribbons. I'll make a tutorial asap. Feel free to ask questions or if you have some tips I'll be happy to hear that too.

Mistress Apathy
Clifton, New Jersey, US
25 projects
what materials did you use?

Gloom Cookie
5 projects
a tutorial would be great! this is very cute