An easy project with colourful results
This is an easy project with colourful results. Millefiori and AB moon beads are suspended on beading wire with crimps to make 2 dainty necklaces and a bracelet in a modern style.
Kathy C. favorited Millefiori Magic Necklaces And Bracelets 06 Feb 07:22
kittybadass5 c. favorited Millefiori Magic Necklaces And Bracelets 02 Mar 10:39
TinyTessieG favorited Millefiori Magic Necklaces And Bracelets 23 Sep 22:47
Step 1
Cut 4 x 60cm lengths of beading wire. To attach to the bolt ring, thread 1 crimp onto 2 of the lengths of beading wire. Pass both lengths through the loop on the bolt ring and then back through the crimp. Use crimping pliers to shut the crimp tightly and then again to fold to a neat finish. Repeat with the other two lengths of beading wire attaching to the bolt ring tag. Finish off the crimps with crimp covers (if you are using them) by placing round the crimp and pressing shut with the crimping pliers.
Step 2
To add your beads thread a crimp onto one of the pairs of beading wire. About 5 or 6cm along the wires from the bolt ring press the crimp shut. Then add 1 turquoise AB bead, 1 millefiori square, 1 more turquoise AB bead and 1 more crimp. Squeeze the crimp tightly shut. Add crimp covers. Repeat this 3 more times on the same pair of beading wires leaving 5 or 6cm between each sequence.
Repeat on the other pair of beading wires so that in total you have 8 bead sequences (4 on each side).
Step 3
Thread both pairs of beading wires through 1 crimp. Press shut 5 or 6cm from the last bead sequences. Add another sequence of beads (1 AB bead, 1 millefiori square, 1 AB bead) to the joined pairs. This is a little bit of a squeeze but it will go through. Finish with another crimp and crimp covers.
Step 8
Cut 2 x 55cm lengths of beading wire. As you did with the multi-coloured necklace and bracelet, attach to the bolt ring. DO NOT attach the tag at this point. This will be done at the end. Leaving 4cm between each, add 7 bead sequences as you did on the necklace, but use black AB and red millefiori beads. Now add your bolt ring tag. Trim off any excess beading wire