An adorable coin purse. X
I found this really cute coin purse on cut out and keep published by 'connect the dots'. It's really, really awesome! I was ill and really bored at home alone so I made it! The one I made isn't quite as neat as the original as I didn't use a craft knife, I used scissors. But it's still just as cool! =) X
Kay B. favorited Milk Or Juice Carton Purse 30 Nov 21:44
MandyCip_93 favorited Milk Or Juice Carton Purse 22 Nov 10:37
Julie A. added Milk Or Juice Carton Purse to to make 26 Jun 00:53
Kaiulani W. favorited Milk Or Juice Carton Purse 14 Jan 23:16
samiirah s. favorited Milk Or Juice Carton Purse 15 Sep 20:52
Step 1
Pull apart the top of the carton, clean out and dry the inside of the carton.
Step 2
Cut off the bottom of the container, and remove the cap off the top.
Step 3
Use a ruler to make two markings, one about 3" from the bottom and another about 5" from the bottom.
Step 4
Use the scissors or cutting knife to cut away the sides and back of the carton, below the 3" marking and above the 5" marking. Do NOT cut away the front or inbetween these markings.
Step 5
Push the back of the carton towards the front to create a fold.
Step 6
Create two more folds either side of the middle one. This will make it look a bit like an accordian!
Step 7
Fold the bottom of the carton up. It should be taller than the back of the carton.
Step 8
You should be able to see the purses form beggining to take shape, tuck the tall bit into the purse.
Step 9
Cut off the white part on the top of the carton that has he sell by date and other writing on it, leaving only the colourful part.
Step 10
Remove the thing that the cap screws onto using either a craft knife or scissors, I just peeled mine off with my fingers. If you do this be very careful not to rip the front of the carton. Whatever you do, do NOT throw this part away!
Step 11
Fold the bit of card that now has a hole on it, over using the crease that is already there and trace that whole onto the other part of the top flap. Cut this out with scissors or preferably a cutting knife.
Step 12
Now you should have two holes on the top flap is you unfold it. Keep it folded over and fold the entire of the top flap onto the body of the purse, again, trace the the hole onto the front of the purse.
Step 13
Pull out the flap that you earlier tucked into the inside of the purse, you know, the flap that was taller than the back of the carton. Now cut out the hole on the bottom flap.
Step 14
Push the white thing that the cap screws onto through the hole in the bottom flap and fold the bottom flap up again and tuck the taller part into the inside of the purse,again.
Step 15
Fold the top flap over and make sure white thing that is now sticking out of the body of the purse fits through the hole in the top flap. Screw the cap on and... TA-DA! You have one awesomely cute coin purse! ... Enjoy! X
well done;-D