Apply the base colors - index and thumb in Khaki Madness, and the rest in Green With Envy.
Step 2
Add gold to the moon on the ring finger (the base of the nail). You can either use a nail vinyl, or just paint it on with a nail art brush.
Step 3
Use a nail art brush to add random blotches of Khaki Fever to the bright green nails. This will be the first level of camo on the nails.
Step 4
Next, add some more random blotches using Black to Black.
Step 5
Finally, add a third layer of blotches using a light green. I mixed Green With Envy with some white polish since I didn't have a good light green polish.
Step 6
For the thumb, use a nail art brush and black polish to write "Dope" across the nail. Once dry, use white polish to add some highlights.