Night Sky Mask
Designed to add the feel of the night sky to the mask, made for a masquerade ball at PR
liza.minelli.564 favorited Midnight Sky Magic Mask 01 Feb 22:12
Step 1
Remove elastic from mask and lay mask on paper to protect work area
Step 2
Glue mask to 12 inch wood dowel at one corner with glue gun let dry
Step 3
Spray mask with spray glue
Step 4
Shake black glitter on sprayed mask and let dry
Step 5
Spray mask with spray glue again and shake moon and star shaped glitter on sprayed mask and let dry
Step 6
Arrange purple and green feathers to same corner as dowel
Step 7
Arrange black and gold ribbons and glue to same corner of mask as dowel over feather ends. Let dry