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Was she always ugly or once beautiful?
The stories of Medusa are often contradictory. Was she a victim or a villian? Was she always ugly or once beautiful? All tales seem to agree that she was a gorgon-a terrible monster. Some stories say she offended the Goddess Athena by saying she was jealous of her beauty, or that Medusa was a priestess in Athena's temple and Poseidon either took Medusa's body unwillingly or they were both consenting and either way became pregnant and Athena obviously was not thrilled since Poseidon was her lover. So many stories so little time.

My Look is a transformation. Her beauty fading and changing into the snake haired, dragon bodied woman who could turn any man and the occasional woman to stone.

The price is only like that if you dont have the things like the palette, wax, spirit gum, etc
I hope you enjoy :D

Posted by Trickypixie1208 P. from U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, United States • Published See Trickypixie1208 P.'s 12 projects »

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 1
    Step 1

    Braid sections of your hair. Random, no rhyme or reason to it with a messy look for the rest.
    This will be your starter of snakes turning into your hair.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 2
    Step 2

    Prime your face for make up all over. Im using my oil free liquid foundation by Color Institute. I then Just used my regular tan powder like to bring my face back to my natural skin tone since this foundation is a bit lighter than me.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 3
    Step 3

    Prime your whole eye lid all over and up to your eyebrow. Use any primer you like. Since I dont have a "proper" one Im using Sheer Cover's little concealers.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 4
    Step 4

    Im using the darkest matte black from the 88 Palette first and covering my eye lid.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 5
    Step 5

    It should look like so

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 6
    Step 6

    Take this light blue and put it on in a cat eye that will be shown in the next picture. Then use the darker shimmer blue above it on top of the first blue you put on your eye lid

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 7
    Step 7

    It should look something like this. And blend as much as you can.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 8
    Step 8

    In the green section take the light green thats almost a lime green and Put it in your highlight area below your eye brow to where the blue begins. Also into the corners of your eyes near your nose

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 9
    Step 9

    Hopefully it looks something like this

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 10
    Step 10

    Take this medium dark green and make a much longer cat eye look.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 11
    Step 11

    It should look something like this.
    I then put some green into my eyebrows.

    At this time you should then take a black eyeliner, liquid, pencil, or gel and line your lower and if you want top lash line.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 12
    Step 12

    Take a stippling "sponge" and dip it into green cream grease on a paper plate.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 13
    Step 13

    Then use that stippling "sponge" and press it too the sides of your face, around eyes, and neck to create a scale like skin starting to appear.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 14
    Step 14

    For the scar on my chest I used a small cut already made piece.
    Use spirit gum to apply the cut.
    Wait for it to dry a tad to get tacky or use your fingers to make it a bit more tacky quickly and press it to your skin.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 15
    Step 15

    Use this section of the palette to create your bruising and blood scab areas to make your cut look more realistic.

    Do Not Use Shimmery Colors! Just the matte ones. :D okay

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 16
    Step 16

    This was my end product. Make it look like this or better. LOL! But I always feel the more color you add makes it more realistic. So play with it. Look at pictures of scars if you can. There's not many wrong ways of doing it.

    I figured if your skin was turning into scales you might have some major scars occurring.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 17
    Step 17

    I used flexible wax for my scar near my mouth. I spread it length ways and took the end of a thin makeup brush to make the indention of the scar.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 18
    Step 18

    Apply a matte black to the inside scar and then red on top and blend. Use the same section of colors that you used for your chest/scale scar.

    No shimmery colors

    Blend and blend until it's to your liking and add some fake blood inside to make it gooey.

  • How to create a face painting. Medusa's Transformation - Step 19
    Step 19

    I put on a purple-ish lipstick and done

    Hope you enjoyed :D

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