lavender pouch for your drawers
I made these dolls as a Christmas presents for some of the ladies in my family. It took aprox. 1h30min per doll and it was really cheap because I used fabric scraps and the embelishments were made with some laying arround beads and small rattles. I adapted the idea from this website: http://snipsnaphappy.blogspot.pt/2010/02/matryoshka-doll-tutorial.html
Hope you like it! ;)
- 106598_2F2015-01-05-094604-snipsnaphappymatryoshkadoll.pdf 20.8 KB [ Download ]
Key West Witch favorited Matryoshka Doll Lavender Pouch 28 Jun 20:25
You Will Need
Teresa S. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!